Thursday 23 June 2016

Why Raghuram Rajan's Exit Should Matter

So there have been numerous articles and enough analysis done over RBI Governor's exit. Sure, we are in a democracy and that entitles people to express their opinion, which might border on excessive criticism.

I always thought Raghuram Rajan's tenure in RBI similar to Mohan Bhargava's in the movie Swades. 
NRI arrives in India looking to improve the situation of a country, leaving behind the comforts of his adopted country. And this is where the similarity ends.

There are vultures who chose to swoop down on his mistakes and make a big deal about it. His methods were questioned but no one choose to highlight his achievements. He was written off by people who do not even have the qualifications to do so. And we, as a country looked on mutely as the drama unfolded. The occasional Facebook status, a series of retweets and we assumed we had done our part.

We finally managed to wear out a person's enthusiasm to stay back in the country. Congratulations, we just ensured that no NRI would choose to return to India to give back to his country. Good job done.

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