Monday, 30 April 2018

What! Wait, please

Shall I start by telling you that Chickoo is going to two years old soon? Or shall I start with ranting about my weight gain that is nowhere close to being tame? Or shall I start with stories of domestic woe?

A LOT has happened since I last updated this blog. The effects of coming back to India has hit me hard and I had withdrawn into a shell to protect myself from all the hurt. When you are pregnant, you are showered with so much pampering, it is intoxicating. When you are a new mum, people around you acknowledge your challenges and support you.

But what happens when you are back to working full-time and the bub is growing up? The world suddenly unloads the expectations they have been holding back until now . It catches you unawares and you try to go with the flow, not realizing that would will soon drown.

 I let myself be thrown all over by the waves, let the water get into my mouth and choke me but no more. The more I flailed my arms around , gasping for air, the more I sank deeper in this mess. It is time to swim against the tide and tell the world that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. It took me so long to get me back my self-respect ; I am not going to lose it over unimportant thing. Hear me roar. 

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